Junior Sailing

Calendar - There will be 13 Saturday Sailing sessions in 2024 (weather permitting) as follows:
June 8th 29th (4 Saturdays)
July 6th - 27th (4 Saturdays)
August 3rd 31st (5 Saturdays)
September to be decided in due course
Junior sailing is run for kids between the ages of 10 - 16, and for all levels of sailors.
Junior Sailing is available to members only, therefore it's a requirement that membership subscriptions be paid up to date, before bookings can be confirmed.
If you wish to partake contact Ronan Goggin (SHSC Junior Sailing Officer) for details!
E-mail: rgoggin@olearylife.ie
Phone (087) 418 8580
Last updated 15:58 on 21 June 2024